Council Meetings

City of Penticton Council meetings typically occur on the first and third Tuesday of each month. 

*If you are experiencing audio difficulties with the live stream, please access the meeting via Zoom*

Participate Electronically

Members of the public and the media can view or participate in Council Meetings and Public Hearings by watching the live stream or via ZOOM webinar by clicking the link on the website home page right before the meeting is to start. Note the link will not work in advance of the meeting start time.

Public participation in Council Meetings and Public Hearings is only permitted in relation to items on the agenda. These are not forums for the public to comment on unrelated issues.

Participate via ZoomJoin the ZOOM meeting
Passcode: 4902400
Participate via Telephone+1 778 907 2071 Canada 
Webinar ID: 622 9923 4327

Public Hearings will be conducted via ZOOM link and telephone and live streamed on the City’s website.

Watch or participate in person

Regular Council Meetings and Public Hearings are held in-person in Council Chambers, City Hall, 171 Main Street beginning at 1:00pm.

The public can participate in-person or electronically for the question period and public hearing. The meeting participation details can be found on the City of Penticton website on the day of the Council meeting.

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