We encourage all adults to know how to use a fire extinguisher. Prevention and early detection are the best ways to reduce the risk of fire.
With training and practice, adults can use portable fire extinguishers to extinguish small, contained fires such as a cooking pan, wastebasket fire or campfire. This may prevent needless injury and minimize property damage.
About the Program
The Fire Extinguisher Training is a one-hour program (30 minutes of theory, 30 minutes of practical training) that provides a basic understanding of fire safety and the use and limitations of fire extinguishers. Training is offered to workplace groups or members of the public.
The program fulfils the Worker's Compensation Board regulations which require employers to train staff in the operation of fire safety equipment. The following regulations apply:
- Workers Compensation Act – Occupational Health and Safety Regulation 4.10 & 4.16
- Workers Compensation Act – Part 2, Division 4 – General Duties of Employers, workers and others; section 21 (2)(e) general duties of employers
Next Training Session
Fire Extinguisher Training is held every Spring and Fall at the Fire Training Centre at 285 Dawson Avenue.
The Fall fire extinguisher training sessions will be offered during Fire Prevention Week from October 8 to 14, 2023. Pre-registration is required! The cost is $5 per person. Payment is required seven days prior to the start date of the course. Cash or cheque only (credit cards not accepted). To register, please contact:
Penticton Fire Department
Phone: 250-490-2300
Email: fire@penticton.ca