Now that the warm weather is here, it's time to hit the beach and enjoy some sun. The City’s Sustainability team would like to remind residents about some common summer items that can – or cannot – be placed in our home recycling carts or bins.
Summer items such as pool noodles, inflatable toys, beach balls, garden hoses and gardening tools cannot be put into your blue recycling cart or bin. These items are not recyclable and must be placed into your black garbage cart or disposed of at the Campbell Mountain Landfill.
As for equipment for camping and barbequing, items including propane cylinders or butane canisters cannot be added into your home recycling carts and should be taken to the landfill. The same goes for camping gear such as tents and tent poles, which are not accepted for curbside recycling and should be taken to the landfill for disposal.
On the other hand, those takeaway cold drinks that come in plastic or paper cups can be added to your recycling at home.
Tubs and cartons that contain frozen desserts such as ice cream can also be recycled at home. This includes plastic clamshell packaging that contain fresh fruit, such as strawberry packaging. Empty pizza boxes, plastic cutlery and plastic plant pots can also be added into your blue carts.
However, other “soft plastic” snack packaging such as chip bags and ice cream wrappers must be recycled at the depot.
Remember that any drinks that come in glass bottles must be recycled at the J&C Bottle Depot. No glass of any kind is allowed in curbside recycling carts.
For more information on recycling, visit and try the ‘What Goes Where’ tool, or phone the Recycle BC Hotline at 1-800-667-4321.