Thanks to a KVR Middle School teacher and her class of Grade 7 students, Feb. 14-20, 2021 has been declared the Real Acts of Caring Week in Penticton.
Kicking off on Valentines Day, the class hopes to inspire real acts of caring throughout the community. They have come up with a host of ideas to do something kind for a stranger – without receiving anything in return.
A group of students from Melissa Burdock’s class made a presentation to City Council on Feb. 2 to request the one-week designation. This is the second year Penticton has declared Real Acts of Caring Week, which Burdock introduced to the city after bringing the concept here from Coquitlam School District, where she worked a few years ago.
“The hope for Real Acts of Caring Week is that by getting the word out, people will do something kind for others that week,” said Burdock. “Obviously, we want people to be kind at all times so the point is to do an intentional act of kindness and to reflect on it.”
By teaching the steps and reflecting on the process, students learn valuable lessons about intentional kindness. And it’s a campaign her students are truly taking to heart.
“They’re really hoping they can spread their message wide.”
Before Christmas, the class of 28 kids created 94 care kits – “RAC packs” – that were distributed through the Keep the Cold Off Penticton Foundation. In the run up to RAC week, the students are preparing hope stoves, also to be distributed through the not-for-profit.
City councillors congratulated the students for their efforts and displays of compassion.
“I thank you very, very much for what you’re doing and what you’ll accomplish in the future for the rest of your life,” said Mayor John Vassilaki.
Ways You Can Spread Kindness
Here are some suggestions provided by RAC:
- Thank our frontline workers by using social media, posting positive words of encouragement in your windows and sending cards.
- Support local businesses by ordering takeout or purchasing gift cards.
- Be a good neighbour, especially if you have elderly ones. Shovel their driveway, rake leaves, drop off food, from a distance, and use technology to reach out to them to make sure that they are okay.
- When you are shopping, only take what you need. If you can afford it, drop off any extras at places which may need them.
- Enjoy the together time with your family. One day you will probably look back at this time and remember the fun memories of being together with just your family.
- Reconnect by writing letters to people whom you have not seen for a while. Send photos and ask them about their lives.
- Pick up the phone and call someone! Ask them how they are.
- Leave flowers for someone.
- Bring in someone’s garbage or recycling bins. Remember to sanitize your hands really well before and afterwards.
- Run errands for someone who needs help or doesn’t feel safe going out.
- Buy a coffee for the person behind you.
- Be a good listener. Lots of people are going through tough times and it often feels really good to have someone listen.
- Remember to also be caring and kind to yourself.
Students Speak Out
What does Real Acts of Caring Week mean for the KVR students?
Lalia: It symbolizes selfless people coming together to make a change happen.
Sara: It symbolizes the feeling you get when you do something nice for someone.
Isabella: It makes you have a better day plus the person receiving a RAC feels good to be appreciated.
Anna: It is an amazing feeling to put a smile on someone’s face.
Graycie: RAC is a selfless act that helps and benefits everyone.
Jacob: RAC for me is a selfless act of kindness from different people coming together to make someone’s day.
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