Building Permit Fees

The City of Penticton Building Bylaw No. 2021-21 requires a non-refundable plan processing fee to be submitted at time of the building permit application. The cost for most building permits is based on the value of construction, so the price will vary.  Any remaining fees are due when the permit is ready for pick-up.

As of 2025, the application fee is now $214 for building permits and $96 for plumbing and mechanical permit types. For a quick reference, see the Permit Fee Schedule button below. 

For the full list of fees, including flat fee permit types, reductions and other adminsitrative fees, refer to Appendix 4 in our  Fees and Charges Bylaw.

Online Permit Payment

Follow the guide below for what to expect when using our online payment portal for permit fee payment. Go to our My Payments portal to make a payment online.

Credit card payment are available for Visa and Mastercard.  Service fees do apply.

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