Music Bingo

Music Bingo

The City and the Penticton Seniors Drop-In Centre Society are hosting a community-wide online MUSIC BINGO™ as part of wrapping up work on the Age-Friendly Action Plan.

How to participate

  • Choose a host and invite your bubble.
  • Determine how many bingo cards to purchase. Suggested 2/player.
  • Register to play and buy your cards at
  • Cards are $10 each, $6 of each card sold will go to the Drop-In Centre.
  • Plan your costume and your take out menu and get your bingo daubers.
  • The ZOOM link and bingo cards will be sent out by email on the day of the event.

Cash prizes are provided by the Drop-In Centre as part of the fundraiser.

In addition to enjoying some great music and fun with your family and friends, participants will also have the opportunity to provide feedback on the plan to help Penticton become more age friendly.

If you would like to learn more about the Age-Friendly Action Plan or other opportunities to get involved, go to and share your feedback before April 18, 2021. If cost is a barrier for you to participate, email