Update on City snow removal: All hands on deck!

Service Announcement

It was all hands on deck for City crews this morning after about a foot snow fell on Penticton last night. The City has put together this update to inform citizens on what you can expect for snow clearing today, what you need to be prepared for next and how you can help.

What is happening today:

  • A full complement of equipment and shovellers began clearing the snow at 4 am with a focus on priority routes including main roads, steep hills, emergency routes, bus routes, school zones, collector and industrial roads. The work is slow going as in places there are four foot windrows to clear. Please be patient.
  • Shovellers and loaders are currently clearing access to bus stops. These efforts will continue throughout the day. Transit service may be impacted.

What is next:

  • A second nighttime crew will start at 4 pm to continue clearing through to 4 am when the daytime crews will return. Expect to hear graders and activity throughout the night. Our mechanics are on call too to ensure our equipment keeps moving.
  • The City has also hired a contractor to focus on snow clearing in our downtown tonight. Crews will be actively clearing on Main St. and Martin St. between the 100 and 500 blocks to keep our downtown moving tomorrow. If you have a vehicle on these blocks, be sure to move them so crews can access the streets.
  • Crews will work through the weekend until the roads are clear. More snow is expected to fall today and throughout the night. This may delay crews reaching side streets as they will need to return to clear priority streets.
  • Crews are also preparing for warmer temperatures predicted for tomorrow. Melting snow can block catch basins and contribute to flooding. Crews will be working to clear priority catch basins.

What you can do:

Here are ways residents can help to keep our City moving and safe during this snow event.

  • Stay home if you don’t have to travel. More cars on the road increase the risk of accidents and interference with crews.
  • Approach or pass snow clearing vehicles with care and consideration. Large work vehicles can sometimes make unexpected turns or stops.  
  • Remove cars off of the street so plows can work more efficiently and clear the entire roadway. It also reduces potential vehicle damage and provides faster clean-up.
  • Do your best to clear all sidewalks adjacent to your property before 11 am the follow day after the snow event in accordance with the Good Neighbor Bylaw.
  • Clear the snow away from fire hydrants for easy access by firefighters if needed. Chains are on the wheels of our fire trucks to ensure they can get to emergencies.
  • Be a snow angel and help your neighbors who need assistance. City staff and community services are providing support but these services are oversubscribed.
  • Clear any catch basins on your street to allow the water to flow. Not only will this reduce flooding but it will get the water off the streets to reduce icy patches when temperatures drop.
  • Worried about garbage collection? Place your carts out at their designated collection point by 7 am on your regularly scheduled garbage day. Garbage collection may be limited in laneways and side streets that trucks cannot safely access. If your garbage is not collected due to the recent snowfall, residents can place an extra bag of garbage alongside their carts on their next collection day.
  • And most importantly, wave, give a thumbs up or say thank you when you see City crews! They have been working tirelessly over the holidays and during this recent snowfall to clear our streets.

More information about the City’s snow clearing policy and answers to frequently asked questions can be found on the website at www.penticton.ca/snow.