Redevelopment of the Skaha Lake Marina is progressing in line with the completion of the long-term Management Operating Agreement to the Penticton Yacht Club in early 2022. The finalization of all agreements and development plans have been undertaken over the spring and summer months, leading into the construction of the project this fall.
Earlier this year, Council agreed to a 25-year agreement with the Penticton Yacht Club to operate the marina.
Since then, several steps have been taken to speed the project ahead in time for next year’s summer season:
- The City of Penticton and Penticton Yacht Club have both approved the long-term Memorandum of Agreement;
- The Penticton Yacht Club have agreed to a long term operating agreement with the new restaurant owner;
- The Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations have approved a 30-year lease for the foreshore lands; and,
- The Penticton Yacht Club and Penticton Indian Band have developed a long-term working partnership for the future of the Skaha Lake Marina lands.
See the Design Concepts
Skaha Marina Boat Moorage – need a spot for your boat?
As part of the transition and set-up process for the new marina operator, the City of Penticton requests that boat owners who presently hold slips at the Skaha marina reach out to the City to confirm their interest in retaining their slips, so that we can assist with a smooth transition into the upcoming season. Please email
The City of Penticton has completed the process to identify a long-term operator to manage the Skaha Marina Lands and realize the vision in the Skaha Lake Park East Plan. The Penticton Yacht Club was the successful proponent and will be working with the existing operator to assume operations in 2022 and begin to implement their plan for the Skaha Marina lands. Information about the process to select the Penticton Yacht Club and an overview of their proposal is provided here.
Proposal Features
Key features of the proposal included the following.
Realizing the Skaha Plan
The PYC proposal meets the goals and objectives set out in the Skaha Lake Park East Plan. The proposed site layout and design aligns with the master plan in terms of retaining the existing building and dock configuration. The proposal goes over and above what was expected in the master plan in terms of adding new green space into the marina lands, consolidating the parking facilities into a more efficient configuration to meet on-site demand and enhancing protection along the environmentally sensitive area to the east.
The proposal includes a range of marina services including boat rentals, repairs, valet and lake tourism opportunities. The proposal outlines that in consideration of the limited land availability on site and environmental sensitivity adjacent to the site, the majority of the boat storage and larger maintenance activities will take place off-site within a separate boat storage facility. Within the on-site facility retail offerings will also be supported in line with the marine use of the lands.
Food and beverage services are proposed in the form of a $2.5M investment into the existing building, revitalizing it into a licenced brew/pub style restaurant. The existing coffee/bakery offerings will also be included in the future use of the marina building.
All current slip holders will be maintained as desired at the current annual rental rates at transition with no major increases to the moorage rates, other than cost of living into the future. The benefit to having a non-profit organization involved in the day-to-day operations of the marina, would be a positive component of this proposal in that the funds generated are invested back into the facility for the benefit of the users and wider community year over year.
Request for Proposal Process
Staff moved forward with the direction provided by Council and the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee (PRAC) and finalized the Request for Proposals (RFP) document to commence the subsequent step in identifying a long-term operator for the Skaha Marina lands. The RFP process sought proposals for investment in a long-term Management Operating Agreement, up to a maximum of 25 years with the City for the use, development, operations and management of the Skaha Marina lands.
Request for Proposal Background
With the completion of the Skaha Lake Park East Plan, the City undertook a public process to select a long-term operator to realize the vision in the plan. This process included a Public Opinion Question on the 2020 by-election ballot to confirm support for entering into a long-term agreement. Following the positive outcome of the Public Opinion Question, the City issued the Request for Proposal to identify qualified proponents and completed the evaluation process to identify the successful operator. Below is a timeline of the activities and decisions that led to the selection of a long-term operator.